In 1598 (over 400 years ago) in the region of Jarales, New Mexico, grapevines were planted and although these grapevines were planted so that Monks had wine available for their religious services, today, the region continues to grow exceptional grapes we use to make exceptional wines.

a word from our vintner

We are extremely proud of the  fine hand-crafted wines we are producing in the Land of Enchantment’s 400 year-old wine region.

It is our philosphy, goal, and mission to only work with the finest of grapes this historical region produces, while deploying the latest wine making methods that you would expect from the world’s finest hand-crafted wines.

We know that once you have experienced any of these fine hand-crafted wines, you will be coming back for more!  …

(Cary and Toni Jarvis)

Our passion for producing hand-crafted fine wines began when Cary Jarvis, Jarales Wine’s Vintner began studying winemaking back in1979 while touring the wineries of Napa Valley, California as a young man.

The inspiration he experienced then…“Wouldn’t it be cool to make wine as good as these, or better?”, remained with him all his life, even as life and time conspired to rush by in a blur that happens with the fast-pace of businesses, jobs, marriage, family, and relocations across the U.S.

In 1994, the opportunity arose to move to the quiet countryside of Jarales, New Mexico presented itself. It was at this time the aspiration was rekindled when a friend who was winemaking as a hobby appeared and mentored Cary’s processes.

As the wine improved, aspiration became passion. Family, friends, and strangers began to spread word about “home-made hand-crafted” wine better than what could be purchased, was being made in Jarales, New Mexico. Soon, as the word spread, people from across the country were requesting shipments.

Hand-Crafted Wines Produced in Jarales New Mexico "The Land of Enchantment!"... In One of the Oldest Wine Regions in North America (400+ years)


Samantha Cronk, Singer
and Songwriter

“The creative process is something that we cannot tap into unless we are open, exposed, raw, vulnerable… The gift we receive in return, when we are able to let all of our walls crumble, is a masterpiece. There are many things I do in effort to channel this ingenuity, but at the top of my list is cracking open a bottle of Jarales wines’ Gewurztraminer. On a hot day in Austin (which is basically everyday) this wine offers a crisp and cool quench to my thirst AND to my creativity. The subtle notes of citrus inspire notes onto a page. The wine flows, the music flows, and life is good again.”

Dustin, Austin, Texas
An American Wino Member

“My favorite way to enjoy a smooth bottle of Jarales Wines Rojo Peligroso is with a little bit of famous Texas Salt Lick barbecue.”

Alicia Thornock...with the girls

“We enjoyed our great time together with our family and friends at Redfish lake and your Rojo Peligroso made it all that more special. We would recommend it to anyone wanting to assure their time together is memorable”

Caryn, Salado, Texas
Professional Photographer

I once heard someone say that rosé is poet’s water.  While I’m nobody’s poet, I definitely enjoy drinking the deep red colors of sunset found in the Jarales Wines’ White Zinfandel. It was the first vintage they made, and consequently, my first love.  Not only is White Zinfandel wonderful to drink with Salmon dishes and summer fare, or to enjoy with a good book, it also stands alone in it’s delightful flavor, and it can be enjoyed as an appetizer, or even a dessert! The flavor inspires creativity, and spontaneity, and the color swirling in a glass creates community. When I make an order from Jarales Wines, I am always sure to include a bottle (or three) of their White Zinfandel. It truly is a thing of beauty!”

Adam Grene - Professional model, actor, musician, artist, and bovine sculptor

“Barbera, the Scotch of Jarales Wines, gravitates the inner artist and especially the musician. Personally it unlocks a creative and inspiring state of mind, and holds me there, until I realize it’s time to open another bottle. Hands down the best and most interesting wine this 26 year old palate has had the pleasure of exploring.”

Cw2 Cody Winclechter
3-227th AHB, 1st ACB, 1 CD
Fort Hood, TX
Spur Holder

“A wise person once said `friends get together to drink beer and forget, people drink wine at a celebration and when they want to make memories’. I have celebrated all of my major life events with Jarales wines. I will continue to make memories with my favorite winery!’

Old World Grapes Meeting

The New Age of Wine Making...

You’re Going To Love Our Wines!